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About Us

About People Working Well

People Working Well is a free resource provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division, proudly supported by the Province of British Columbia. We’re here to support your journey towards building a healthier workplace.

Our name reflects our vision: BC workplaces that put people first.

Whether you’re struggling with stress or concerned about a coworker, remember, you’re not alone. Consider us your trusted guide, offering help, training, and a supportive community. 

You’ll find a range of helpful articles, tips, webinars and more including sector-specific resources co-developed with our community partners: Community Social Services Health and Safety Association of BC and go2HR.

BC’s Hub for Workplace Mental health

This initiative was launched in 2020 as BC’s Hub for Workplace Mental Health to help support the mental health of those whose occupations were particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic has passed, the need for workplace mental health supports is a pressing as ever.

In response to changing needs and valuable participant feedback, we are excited to launch a refreshed website and courses under our new name, People Working Well, featuring refreshed content, improved navigation and accessibility.

We are unwavering in our commitment to providing quality services and resources to help you prioritize well-being for yourself, your colleagues and your workplace community.