Workshops and Webinars for Community Social Services

These workshops and webinars were developed for people working in Community Social Services. To request any of the following webinars as a closed session for your workplace, please reach out to a People Working Well Learning Consultant.
Get comfortable talking about mental health and mental illness, and explore practical ways to build resilience.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Mental health awareness.
- How to support one another.
- How to have a conversation when someone is struggling.
- How to maintain one’s own mental health and build resiliency.
- Where to access mental health resources in BC.
The winter blues are a wave of low emotions that come with the cold dark days of the fall and winter months. Some people experience symptoms from October which can last until April.
This workshop will explore a behavioural perspective on how to cope with the winter blues so participants can find the motivation and understanding to not only survive the winter months but thrive and embrace the unique opportunities that this season brings.
Work-induced anxiety can make it challenging to stay motivated and perform at your best. Learn how to manage it before it manages you.
Dealing with anxiety in the workplace can be tough, and telling yourself to just stop worrying can feel like trying to stop a freight train with your bare hands. We know it’s not easy, but with the right tools and strategies it can get better.
In this workshop we will explore what anxiety is, how it happens in the brain, the thoughts commonly related to it, and strategies on how to manage it. Participants will also examine some of the activators of anxiety at work.
Participants will:
- Learn the process of how anxiety happens in the brain, and differentiate between anxiety, fear and stress.
- Learn the differences between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder.
- Examine the common cognitive distortions associated with anxiety.
- Learn about anxiety and the cognitive model linking thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
- Make a link between anxiety and avoidance behaviours.
- Examine coping strategies such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness and acceptance
Chronic stress can lead to job related burnout. Discovering how to cope with stress can help prevent burnout.
In this session you will learn skills on how to teach your body to come back to its baseline by completing the stress cycle. You will also learn how to connect your values to how you care for yourself, so you feel more connected with and motivated by your self care routine.
In this 75-minute workshop, participants will explore the concept of burnout from both the employee’s and the employer’s perspectives through the case study of “Jane.” The session will highlight actionable steps the organization in the scenario could have taken to enhance psychological safety in the workplace and some strategies that Jane, the employee, could have adopted to cope with her stressors.
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore the promotion of mental health at an organizational level.
- Examine the 13 key factors affecting employees’ psychological health in the workplace.
- Understand the stress cycle and the process of completing it.
- Examine the cognitive aspect of stress and introduce cognitive reappraisal to achieve a more constructive perspective.
- Develop a customized plan for managing stress, grounded in individual values.
Gain the tools to conquer self-doubt and and rewrite your story in this empowering 75-minute workshop on unmasking imposter syndrome
Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological phenomenon where individuals hold the belief that they are undeserving of success, persistently plagued by feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt about their intelligence, skills, or competence. It is often described as feeling like a fraud who achieved success through luck and fear being exposed.
Participants will:
- Learn to recognize imposter syndrome in themselves and their colleagues.
- Understand the connection between avoidance, overworking, and imposter syndrome.
- Examine the narratives we tell ourselves that perpetuate self-doubt.
- Harness the power of self-compassion to combat imposter syndrome.
- Discover effective coping strategies for dealing with imposter syndrome.
- Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss their personal experiences with imposter syndrome and it’s triggers.
This workshop is for both leaders and employees who want to learn about what makes a group thrive and become successful. We’ll explore three distinct ways of improving organizational culture: building safety, sharing vulnerability, and establishing purpose.
Over the course of this 75-minute workshop, participants will:
- Learn what building safety can look like by exploring what belonging cues are and how they can impact workplace safety and inclusion.
- Explore what threshold moments are for employees within community social services and discuss how they can be used to encourage belonging.
- Discuss how vulnerability impacts organizational culture and learn about the vulnerability loop and how it can lead to cooperation and trust.
- Discover actionable, practical ways for creating purpose within your workplace.
Participants will also have opportunities to discuss, learn from each other, and share examples of successes regarding creating a positive culture within their organizations.