Building a Safe and Healthy Workplace

Many people are worried about doing or saying the “wrong” thing when it comes to addressing concerns with an employee. Conversations about mental health in the workplace may be avoided due to fear that it will make the situation worse. But there are also risks to doing nothing.
These risks include, but are not limited to:
- Increased sick time and leaves for stress-related physical illnesses
- Low morale
- Higher levels of presenteeism
- Risk to individual and organization reputation
- Challenges with recruitment and retention
What is Presenteeism?
Presenteeism is when employees come to work but are not as productive or focused due to a challenge or distraction from something beyond the scope of their work. This can contribute to poorly executed work or client service, resentment among colleagues, and even significant safety issues (e.g., if an employee operates heavy machinery).
Beyond the risks of poor workplace mental health, the fact is that prioritizing employee well-being is the right thing to do. We all have a part to play. When we check-in with individuals on our teams frequently, it builds a culture of empathy and approachability. We notice early on when an employee needs support and can provide resources and support. This is good for the individual, but also for the workplace.
The good news is that there are already frameworks, toolkits, and training to help you get started. Together, we can change our community by building inclusive and health-promoting workplace cultures that help people find and keep meaningful employment.
Resources to get you started:
- Get up to Standard | Canadian Mental Health Association
- What is Psychological Health and Safety? | Guarding Minds at Work
- Realizing the positive ROI of supporting employees’ mental health | Deloitte