Name, Claim and Reframe: Personal Stress Tools

Stress is inevitable. In the workplace, we regularly experience stressors due to work demands, changes to processes and systems, or conflict with co-workers. And because we aren’t robots, factors in our personal lives impact our reaction to stressors in the workplace.
Stress can be a positive force. It can motivate action or change that leads to growth and improved confidence. But when stress causes us to feel overwhelmed, distracted or consumed with negative, repetitive thoughts, we need to pause and reconnect to minimize the ongoing negative impact of stress. But what do we do during that pause? How do we reconnect?
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health has developed a process called “Name, Claim and Reframe” to support individuals through this journey. The elements include:
- 1. Name it – Recognize when you are experiencing a stress response and name the thoughts and reactions you are having.
- 2. Claim it – Listen to the story you’re telling yourself and claim your power over thoughts that may be untrue or unhelpful.
- 3. Reframe it – You may not be able to change the stressor, but you can reframe the story you tell yourself by being more objective and compassionate about the situation and your relationship to it.
Several tools are provided to support the Name, Claim and Reframe process, including a stress continuum, coping strategies and worksheets.
You can download the print-ready PDF version of the tool or, if you prefer audio to text, you can listen to an audio of the Name, Claim, Reframe prompts, which also includes a 4-minute Mindful Self-Compassion Guided Meditation to help you reconnect and relax.
You can also access workshop materials, including a facilitators guide, participant handout and slide presentation if you would like to share these tools in a workshop format with individuals at your organization.
Learn more here: Name, claim and reframe: Personal Stress tools